Wednesday, May 27, 2020


 Gender assignment is the process by which a transgender individual undergoes a series of surgical procedures or treatments, hormonal, psychotherapy, this leads to modification of his physical appearance so that it looks and is like the gender in which the patient identifies. This is usually done to people who are transgender or with intersex syndrome and as part of their gender identity formation.  What relates to the change of sex in the precise with human beings is presented as a fact in which different elements are integrated such as the factor represented by the biological, as already named the psychological and the socio-legal profile. The changing of gender roles, the change of name according to their gender and the legal status of sex of a person are in the legal partner aspects.


6 elements that shape the sexual position of a subject are identified: 

  • Chromosomal data.
  • Gonadic sexual characteristics.
  • Hormonal characters.
  • Genital elements.
  • Anatomical elements or secondary sexual characteristics.
  • Psychological element.

El Símbolo Del Transexual Y La Flecha Roja Del Crecimiento ...


the techniques used in these cases are the most common.

1. Vaginoplasty

2. Clitoris correction
3. Orchiectomy
4. Controplasty
5. Hormone resignation therapy:

  • Transsexual women female hormones (estrogens), fat is distributed to the hips and breasts, physical features are feminized, the amount of body beauty decreases.

  • Transgender men consume male hormones (testosterone), body hair develops, body mass increases, and features become thicker.


Transexualidad: de trastorno mental a enfermedad sexual, según la ...Transgender people's behaviors by not having a conformity with their gender or biological sexuality, leads them to act in different ways such as dressing from the opposite gender, psychological change, psychological attitudes, assimilating gender preference, but this behavior is not considered a disorder according to psychology.


In addition to the characteristics already mentioned for this community of transgender people at the time when this thought of gender change begins to become evident, it is very common to identify specific characteristics:

  • A strong desire for primary and / or secondary sexual characteristics  correspond to the gender with which they identify.
  • A strong desire to belong to the opposite sex (or to some other gender)
  • A strong desire to be treated as another genre.
  • A strong conviction that they have feelings and reactions typical of another gender.

Obvious factors in children older than 6 years:

  • A strong preference for dressing in typical clothing of the opposite sex and, in girls, resistance to wearing typically feminine clothing.
  • A marked preference for toys, games and activities typical of the other sex.
  • A strong preference for other sexual playmates.
  • A strong rejection of the typical toys, games and sexual activities that coincide with their birth sex.
  • A strong aversion to her anatomy
  • A strong desire for primary and / or secondary sexual traits that match the gender identity that is felt


 Problems wanting a gender change:

  • In some countries transgender people are denied the opportunity to have a hormonal treatment or a surgical procedure, and sometimes this is based on their positive state of sexually transmitted diseases, such as in HIV and hepatitis C
Many health problems faced by transgender people are due to the stress of minority groups, characterized by the following:
    La ideología de género puede dañar a los menores
  • Negative social attitudes and disapproval (social stigma) towards transgender people
  • Abuse, harassment, neglect, rejection or unfair treatment (discrimination) towards transgender people
  • Internalization of social stigma, which leads to having negative attitudes and thoughts about oneself (internalized stigma).


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Everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, deserves equal access to opportunities and services and their safety should be protected.
However, young people who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex or Questioning (LGBTIQ+) are among the most marginalised and excluded members of society. They are particularly vulnerable to stigma, violence and discrimination, due to their real or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity.
This can have lasting consequences on their social and psychological health and have substantial adverse effects on society as a whole.